Navigating change is not just about adapting, it's about thriving.

Embrace change, transform challenges into opportunities, and propel your organization towards success with our tailored change management solutions. By partnering with us, you'll unlock the full potential of your team, minimize disruptions, and maximize the benefits of every transition - whether they are technological, structural, cultural, or procedural.

change management services by Focus Forward Services, hands on a tree trunk
change management services, neon sign saying this is the sign you've been looking for

Change Management Services

Our change management services focus on guiding organizations through transitions and changing mindsets to drive towards your desired culture.

We will work with you to assess the current state of the organization, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to facilitate successful change adoption. We work closely with leadership to align change initiatives with strategic goals and foster a culture of flexibility and resilience within the organization.

With our integrated approach to change management and professional development, we empower your organization to not only weather change but emerge stronger, more resilient, and better equipped for future success.

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How to Get Started

Discovery and Dialogue

Our partnership starts with dynamic sessions based on your organization's unique change needs. During Discovery we will focus on these areas:

  • Assess current state and understand your organization's processes and requirements

  • Develop use cases based on your needs and challenges

  • Determine a desired future state

After Discovery, we will provide a change management strategy plan that serves as a roadmap for guiding your organization through the complexities of change, ensuring that you achieve your objectives while minimizing disruptions and maximizing employee engagement and commitment.

Modes of Engagement

workshops, lunch and learns for change management

Workshops/Lunch & Learns

Our "Do It Yourself" approach to change management. Informational sessions, delivered virtually or in-person, intended to provide an overview of change management concepts and strategies. These sessions provide participants with practical knowledge, skills, and tools to lead and navigate organizational change successfully. No matter the type of change, you’ll learn the steps to build a culture of adaptability, resilience, and continuous improvement within the organization.

These can be customized to fit your areas of growth and opportunity, ranging from one hour overviews to multiday workshops.

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Change Management Advisor

Our full service option where we can be as involved as you need. We work with you to develop comprehensive change strategies aligned with your organization's goals and objectives. We assess the scope and impact of proposed changes, identify potential risks and challenges, and develop strategies to mitigate them. We can also provide leadership development and capability-building support to help leaders and managers effectively lead and support change initiatives.

As a flexible resource, we provide scalable support tailored to your organization's needs, specializing in guiding organizations through the process of managing and implementing changes effectively.

melinda east is a change management advisor

Why Hire a Change Management Advisor?

A Change Management Advisor brings specialized knowledge, skills, and experience in guiding organizations through complex change initiatives on a part-time or project basis.

We have a deep understanding of change management theories, methodologies, and best practices, which we can apply to help organizations navigate change effectively. We offer an objective perspective on organizational change initiatives and can assess the organization's readiness for change, identify potential risks and barriers, and develop strategies to address them impartially.

In today's rapidly changing business environment, the ability to adapt and innovate is essential for staying competitive. Change Management Advisors help organizations build change capabilities and agility, positioning them for long-term success in the marketplace.

Hiring a Change Management Advisor 

1. Change Readiness Assessment: Assess the organization's current state of readiness for change, identifying potential barriers and areas for improvement.

2. Change Strategy Development: Work with leadership to develop a tailored change management strategy aligned with organizational goals, culture, and context.

3. Stakeholder Engagement: Help identify key stakeholders and develop strategies to engage and communicate with them throughout the change process.

4. Training and Development: Assist with the design of training programs to equip employees and leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to change and support implementation efforts.

5. Communication Planning: Develop communication plans to ensure timely and transparent communication about the change, its rationale, and its impact on employees and the organization.

6. Change Implementation Support: Provide support and guidance to leaders and teams as they implement change initiatives, helping to address resistance, manage conflicts, and overcome obstacles.

7. Measurement and Evaluation: Assist with establishing metrics and evaluation criteria to assess the effectiveness of change initiatives and make data-driven adjustments as needed.

8. Organizational Culture Transformation: Work with organizations to foster a culture of innovation, resilience, and continuous improvement that supports successful change efforts.

Let’s Work Together

Please consider scheduling some time with me for a discovery connection where we can talk candidly of where you’re at and what you’re looking for. If I’m not the right fit, it is likely I may be able to connect you to someone who is.