Melinda East Executive Coach outside in Montana

Executive Coaching

What is Executive Coaching?

It is a partnership that co-creates a future-focused journey for self-discovery. It is a space where clients can trust the process of finding themselves capable of being the best they choose to be. In a coaching session – you do all the hard work; I support the building of the blueprint. It is a thinking partnership that can be challenging at times, but the ROI is always found for those willing to jump in. We focus through the power of questions as we assess, discover, and build on where you are and where you want to go.

Melinda East sitting on a log in Montana, thinking about executive coaching services

Is Executive Coaching for You?

As a leader, have you ever felt a little lonely, wondering who you should ask questions of, questioning whether you will take the right approach to performance discussions, or will you show up in the right way to be recognized as credible? If these are concerns you’ve ever had in your career – then executive coaching will be a benefit for you.

Perhaps as a leader you recognize someone in your organization that you see has huge potential but is maybe a little “stuck,” then a few sessions with an executive coach might be just the right thing to set them on their way to being a productive leader with a bright future.

Pine needles in Montana

A Brief Look at Executive Coaching

Coaching sessions are confidential and never discussed by the coach outside of the partnership. A coachee/client is free to share what they choose from coaching sessions, but a Coach is held by the code of ethics through the International Coaching Federation.

Coaching is a collaborative partnership between a coach and a willing individual, which connects at the deep personal level of beliefs, values, and vision. Results are enabled through a process of discovery, goal setting and specific actions. The following are areas of focus found in coaching engagements:


The relationship of the people in the company is the human glue that holds a company together and enables it to operate at its maximum capacity. A coach will support and enable you to understand your interpersonal behaviors to increase your stamina to meet the relationship challenges you face to work more effectively with others. Coaching is also an enabler to better owning your team interactions, knowing as a leader, you can identify and transform ineffective patterns co-created by you and your team. Strong Leader relationships deliver strong business results.


Listening is the key to being an effective coach. Leadership can be very lonely. A Leader needs a listening partner to foster effective dialogue to sort through issues and decisions. A coach knows the questions to ask that lead to insights and openings for action for the executive in his or her accountabilities.

Influence Style:

The approach a leader takes to inspire, motivate, and guide others toward achieving common goals. Effective leaders often adapt their style to suit the needs of the situation and the preferences of their team members. By understanding their own leadership style and its impact, leaders can enhance their effectiveness and build high-performing teams.


Emotional Intelligence:

A leader’s approach and ability to handle situations with compassion through self-awareness and self-discipline. The best leaders score high in emotional intelligence.

Stretch and Experiment:

We will push ourselves outside of our comfort zone with the support of a great coach. A coaching partnership challenges our limiting beliefs and supports the breaking down of those beliefs to find new perspectives and willingness to experiment in new ways of working.


Re-examining goals and values from a holistic approach. Being a CEO, president, manager, or leader is not who you are in life, it is only one aspect of a full life of friends and family and interests. How do we keep harmony in all these areas?


Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I)

The Emotional Quotient Inventory is the world’s leading measure of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a set of 15 proven emotional and social skills that influence the way we:

  • Perceive and express ourselves.

  • Develop and maintain social relationships.

  • Cope with challenges.

  • Use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.

Influence Style Indicator (ISI)

The Influence Style Indicator is an assessment designed to understand an individual's preferred style as they influence others. The assessment offers a comprehensive insight into the nuanced dynamics of interpersonal influence, empowering individuals to strategically adapt their approach for more effective communication and impactful influence.

The Influence Style Indicator Assessment recognizes that power can be viewed from five distinct preferences: Rationalizing; Asserting; Negotiating; Inspiring; Bridging.

The Coaching Opportunity – Pricing

Note: Executive Coaching is often classified by organizations as Leadership Development and may be eligible for reimbursement.

I have found the most effective approach to supporting a leader in creating a sustainable plan for success is by working with the leader over a period of time, at minimum 3-month (6-, 9-, and 12-month options are often feasible). During this time, the leader is engaged in a coaching program where they will identify areas of their leadership they would like to explore, create goals around these areas of exploration, and measure their success against these goals.

Pricing can vary depending on the agreement, below are common pricing factors:

  • Agreement length

  • Individual or corporate funding

  • Single or multiple clients

After an initial no-charge Discovery Call, usually takes 30-45 minutes, we can clarify the above pricing factors and establish exact pricing for the engagement.

Closeup of Melinda East, Leadership/Executive Coaching

Melinda as Executive Coach


Leadership can be hard, it’s often lonely and stressful - heck this is true about life itself. 

I am committed to my clients to build an environment that is safe, free of judgement, and nothing but real life. We will work through the challenges of the day, week, month, year - whether it be business deliverables, team challenges, personal hurdles. I meet you where you are, and we partner together to channel the capability that you possess to co-create tangible and realistic solutions.

Let’s Work Together

Please consider scheduling some time with me for a discovery connection where we can talk candidly of where you’re at and what you’re looking for. If I’m not the right fit, it is likely I may be able to connect you to someone who is.