Reflection Can Be a Useful Tool
Reflection can be a strong force towards continued personal and professional inspiration
“Hi, here we are, it’s September, I can’t believe it’s September, it goes so fast, which makes me reflect a little bit, which is kind of the topic today, quite honestly is reflection…which in actuality is a bit of a paradox because my company is called Focus Forward and something about you know, “don’t look in the rearview mirror we’re not going that way”… but today I'm going to say let's look in the rearview mirror for a minute, let’s do some reflection because a lot of what I’ve been working on with clients and what I’ve been learning myself is that life doesn't come in great big milestones, life comes in little pieces and sometimes we don't take notice of everything that we've accomplished, because it comes in little pieces, to get us to that big bang you know. that big milestone or that big goal that we're aiming for, so reflection is a bit of a gift and I just I wanted to let everybody know that I was asked a question actually the other day about what inspires me and when I really thought about it, what inspires me is the reflection of the things I've done and knowing that I can do hard things and that all of you can do hard things, but we don't look at it that way, right, we look at the big piece and when it doesn't come in a big bang effort, it kind of loses it’s momentum and it loses it’s value, but when we reflect when we recognise all the little things we did every day to get us to where we are today, we recognise how powerful we are, how far we've come, the things that we can do and we can do hard things so that, in and of itself, is an inspiration to keep going and keep doing the little things and it reminds me of a quote which I know that I've actually said before “falling in love with the journey and you’ll forever be in love” and it really is, the journey is a lot of small steps but we have to reflect to recognise that those are the small steps that took us to that big place and the results are hard things, big things, happy things, so enjoy every step and use reflection as a tool, reflection is good and in order to get you to focus forward, we’ll tie it up that way, so reflection is good, that rearview mirror is okay sometimes if we’re using it in the right way, and if we’re learning from what goes well and learning even more from what doesn't go well and knowing that it's all towards the next milestone in our life and the next piece of our journey, so reflection is good, use it as inspiration other than this beautiful scene that I always use for inspiration as well, but reflection is good, it’s a gift, use it and allow it to propel you forward to do hard things and the next step. Take care, happy fall, it's on its way. We’ll see you next month. Thanks so much bye-bye.”